The CMCM of yesterday and today
The CMCM that you know today was born under the name “Caisse Chirurgicale Mutualiste” during the general assembly of the National Federation of of Luxembourgish Health Mutuals on 15 April 1956 at the EMS hotel in Luxembourg.
The first board of directors consisted of:
Carlo THILL, president; Ernest FEYEREISEN, Eugène HERRIGES, Jean HOFFMANN, Jean MULLER, Joseph SCHMIT and Nicolas SCHOLLER, members.
In the beginning, the “Caisse Chirurgicale Mutualiste”, a surgical mutual fund, had 2,614 members. Thanks to the help and experience of the French mutual fund, these beginnings quickly developed into the first approved statutes on 17 April 1956.
The benefits were far from satisfying everyone’s needs, so in order to fill in a gap, a “Caisse Dentaire” or dental fund, was founded on 7 April 1963.
On 1 January 1976, the “Caisse Chirurgicale Mutualiste” and the “Caisse Dentaire” joined together into the present-day “Caisse Médico-Chirurgicale Mutualiste”. On 1 January 2016, the “Caisse Médico-Chirurgicale Mutualiste” was renamed the “Caisse Médico-Complémentaire Mutualiste” to emphasise the fact that its benefits go beyond strictly surgical procedures.
The Caisse Médico-Complémentaire Mutualiste is a health mutual according to the law of 1 August 2019. It is therefore obliged to conform to the provisions of this law in terms of benefits and management.
The subsequent statutes and modifications are subject to the approval of the Ministry of Social Security, following prior notice of the Higher Counsel of Mutual Health Funds. The CMCM is managed by its own board of directors.
Statute Publication
The coordinated text of the CMCM’s statutes has been published in the administrative and economic compendium B N°143 of 30th December 2015. The subsequent amendments to the Statutes have been published in the same B Collection in the following issues: N°402 of 10th February 2017; N°3731 of 21st December 2017; N°480 of 27th February 2019; N°685 of 19th March 2019; N°1113 of 19th April 2019; N°B3882 of 2nd November 2020; N°B3887 of 19th October 2021; et N°B3001 of 22nd August 2022. Amendments made from the third quarter onwards are published in the trade and companies register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés – RCS): L220246153 on 17th November 2022; L230040409 on 07th March 2023; L230196352 on 11th September 2023; and L230245178 from 28th November 2023